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How To Prayer-Inwardly Prayer-Submit Prayers Online

Inwardly prayer is a greatest meditation. Which improve our inner spiritual system of and due to this her prayer also accepted. Anyhowinwardly prayer is not in the list of Obligation, ought, SUNNAHbut its greatestmeditation prayer which is not necessary to fulfill. But there is no awkwardnessin doing so. Inwardly prayer is greatest source of meditation in the world of spiritually prayer. There is no need to go anywhere out for doing this meditation. 

You can easily do this on your own houses, and get great spiritual power by obeying the rule defined by ALLAH. The internal and externaleffects of inwardly prayer clear on a person after very short time.

 Which improve our believe on this prayer,Morethan earlier.

The founder of Well albsryh series”سلسلہ خیرالبشریہ” says that we get daily a new spirit and a new style of amazing experiences that benefit us from inwardly prayer. And after this prayer we get FAIZ from that sources that we already not know.

Every night from all over the world millions of people joininwardly prayer these all. People not only pray for him but they also pray for other person who joins in inwardly prayer. It means that anyone can get millions of prayer in a second after join in this inwardly prayerprogram. who this prayer will be rejected ? never! There are many people who are sick and join in this inwardly prayer. In different religion but especially in Islam it is suggested that ask for prayer himself to a sick man that prayer will be accepted very soon. 

Many old age ancestor and children also join in this inwardly prayer.

  Spiritual and divine effects of inwardly pray

Inwardlypray is a pray in which every night from all over the world millions of people join it. These all People not only pray for him but they also pray for other person who joins inwardly prayer. It means that anyone can get millions of prayer in a second after join in this inwardly prayer program. This is anoutward also has mysteries inwardlyfactor. Which is describing below?The way of calling ALLAH with love and Humbleness is called prayer. 

There is two condition love and humbleness. Love and Humbleness belong to inwardness of a person. With love and humbleness when a man including perfect attention we call it spiritualmeditation. When love,humbleness and perfect attention with call to ALLAH included then we say it perfect prayer.Which INSHALLAH never rejected. This condition of man we call it Flying spiritual condition. 

According to many spiritually scholar flying spiritual condition is such spiritually condition which impose during pray. In this condition some part of our soul which we call innerspiritual waves exiting from our body and get lost in the depths of the universe, in the intention of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Ratherthan this these spiritually wave can find outthat supreme power or not. 

That supreme power gets those waves. These spiritually wave’s stop at some point in the universe for the assimilation of blessings and after that these spiritually wave’s again come back to its origin in human soul and give him great immunitypower.

 This is special immunity power which makesvibrations in a human body. A man feels unusual happiness and power which makes him strong enough to fighting against disease and Competitive conditions of life. During flying spiritual condition some waves from our soul goes out that spiritually wave’s stop at some point in the universe where they make a special spiritual circle. 

When spiritually waves coming back from that spiritual circle some spiritually waves beleaguered there after that when some one other person do this pray and in the condition of Flying spiritual condition so again exiting same spiritual waves exiting from our body and get lost in the depths of the universe, in the intention of ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

At last they reach into that spiritual circle and again some spiritual power added there in these spiritually waves some of them again return back with great immunity power so that person also save from different disease and circumstances with great power.Wheneveranyone calling ALLAH with love, humbleness and perfect attention then he goes into flying spiritual condition. And also his inner soul part goes into that Flying spiritual condition also get some power and some left behind their in spiritual circle so how much people who contact with that spiritual circle so that spiritual circle going to be also so much strong and powerful and every new person can get greatest benefit.

When all people pray in majority then also that spiritual circle works with hard Intensity.There are many Narration in Islam where it is suggested to prayer together .In one Narration when forty Muslim prayer together then there is one friend of ALLAH because of that person all pray accepted and perhaps that friend of ALLAH is that person who have the ability of perfect pray. This ability depends on unconditional love, humbleness and perfect attention and these thing make man piety person. We try to describe spiritually benefits of prayer and which laws are imposed on pray.We conclude above describe ideology from meditation rules and regulation and we judge many affect also these all rules are defined by ALLAH.Some blessings and cursing pray are those which accepted very soon. 

Those pray which are accepted in very short time are blessings and cursing pray of oppressed, orphan, widowed, father or mother.As above described if someonetries to analysis on inwardly pray then he will conclude that great source of meditation and acceptance of prayer. 

As we already describedinwardly pray is only spiritually prayer.The baggiest prayer in Islam is NAMAZ and if someone with unconditional love, humbleness and perfect attention take part in inwardly pray after NAMAZ daily then he got unlimited outwardly and inwardlybenefits. Which we describe later meditationinwardly pray never equal to any other religious essential worship. In inwardly pray every night many people participate from all over the world in which oppressed, orphan, widowed, student, children, Sick, passenger and those who want forgiveness for other. Their pray never rejected.

Accordingly to spiritually side the inner waves of millions of people go into that spiritualcircle and after collecting great immunity power come back. After that in a very short time all effect are clear on that person and accordingly to Inspiration point of view. Above describe all people when they pray it never rejected and also if there in one friend of ALLAH there then due to that person all pray accepted.In meditation inwardly pray we describe spiritually side.

 This is very complex rule and it is imposed on every meditation pray. Who many person that should be involved in every pray at a time so as much they all gain inwardly and outwardly benefits. There are many spiritual circles in the universe which power depends on love, humbleness and perfect attention having many people in there hurt.

 There is one spiritual circle thatbelongs to those people who love Jesus Christ. There is one spiritual circle which belongs to those who love HUSNAIN KAREMAN.  There is a biggest spiritual circle in this universe which belong to those who love The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) and the name of that spiritual circle is spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ). 

According to spiritual scholar The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) is that Essence which have her lover before they came on this world and these entire people are on a high rank in that spiritualworlds. Those are prophet angels and friend of ALLAH. 

With the love of all these great Personalities a biggest spiritual circle come into exist that spiritual circle name is spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ). But Before the formation of the universe and formation of everything first of allThe Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) come into existence. It means that love of holy prophet also exists that time when even this universe not comes into existence. And so it also mean that spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) also there at that time.

First of all ALLAH love The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ).so it saying enough that spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) not in this universe but this universe is in between that spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) the love which we have in our heart and with this love that spiritual circle The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم )made this is a gift of ALLAH to every person that ALLAH provide us love of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ). 

Another fact is that one drop of love from that love which ALLAH have for his prophet he provide to Particular person and after that The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم )come on in this world and then the follower of Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) are going to be greater in numbers. It also expands the spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ). 

Love is in heart so that Essence of ALLAHresides in our heart in the form of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم )loved. It means that ALLAH with using our Particular person love with The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ).

 So the spiritual circle of The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) love is the power of ALLAH. We have to come back on our topic and that is pray with love, humbleness and perfect attention if greater numbers of people pray together to ALLAH then the effect of these pray are show suddenly. From the first day of universe and till today many people prayed to ALLAH with love, humbleness and perfect attention and there is a spiritual circle already. during pray some part of our soul goes out of our body in that spiritual circle and after cleaning come back with great immunity power.

Which protect us from different disease and Difficulties of life. 

Above describe all Writings and statements is only our Ideology  which we observe during prayerbut the l Irrevocable true knowledge is religious and The final knowledge of the unseen thing are only know by ALLAH.

   Benefits of inwardly pray

In this universe or out of universe who much creatures created by ALLAH all they can’t able to describe the benefits of pray. One and only The Holy Prophet ((صلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم ) beloved of ALLAH only know that Genuine benefit of pray, inwardly pray is just not only pray but a greatest spiritual process. If you are in any trouble like professional, domestic, debt, the evil eye, black magic, spiritually, psychological or your daughter is unmarried then you need to join inwardly pray. ALLAH will help you.

Benefits of inwardly pray on different topic

1-Inwardly pray & reward for dead person
2-Inwardly pray & saving from sudden disaster
3-Inwardly pray & enlarge of Sustenance
4-Inwardly pray & The Hereafter worries 

     Inwardly pray & reward for dead person     

If you want that under the spiritual network of Silsila Khair-ul-Basharia (Well ALBSRYH series )  you’re your dead person blessed.Then you have to recite 300 time this AYYAT.

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ    

    (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)

and the  rewardof this forward to the founder of Well ALBSRYH serieswith the will of ALLAH your reward should be included in that reward who got from millions of the people pray. After that this will be submit to the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) as“NAZRANA” and after that with charity of the Holy Prophet ((صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) this reward  will be forward to all prophet ,all friend of ALLAH and the death person of all Muslim UMMAH. During the inwardly pray there will be special pray for your died person. This is only for those who recite this AYYAT.

And submit this reward to the founder of Silsila Khair-ul-Basharia (Well ALBSRYH series ) . In addition of this under the spiritual network of Silsila Khair-ul-Basharia (Well ALBSRYH series ) we pray for you saving from every Grief and sorrow pain, any trouble like professional, domestic, debt and difficulties of life.

 Inwardly pray & saving from sudden disaster

If you want your children and family save from sudden disaster,any trouble like professional, domestic, debt, the evil eye, black magic, spiritually, psychological,Grief and sorrow pain,Malicious hypocrite type people then at least one time you have to take part in this inwardly pray with Devotion and believe. 

The people who lovesSupplications they have must to be take part in this inwardly pray. With the will of ALLAH the thing which you not get from the struggle of many years those thing will follow you and if it is not true then we are criminal of you’re on the Judgmentday.

   Inwardly pray & enlarge of Sustenance

We judge it some people who are begging for one daymeal but after take part in inwardly pray ALLAH give them a lot of Sustenance. Know they are source of income for other.The person who are in the condition of getting Donationfrom other know they all giving Donation to other and they are generousso much for donation that they did not think about saving but ALLAH give them more from earlier.

According to them they did not even know the source of that Sustenance. If you are also in the condition of shortage of sustenance, or under the pressure of debt, after so many struggles no enlargement in sustenance so you have to also must be take part in inwardly pray. With the will of ALLAH if you not gain hereenlargement of sustenance then we will be criminalin the judgment day.

   Inwardly pray & The Hereafter worries

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ 

Inwardly pray &The Hereafter worries are part of our faith .if someone got this then he has greatest power. If you want in your life you got many reward and this process also run after your death then you must have to be take part in this inwardly pray. And how much possible recite this AYYAT
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ 
and the  rewardof this forward to the founder of Well ALBSRYH serieswith the will of ALLAH your reward should be included in that reward who got from millions of the people pray. 

After that this will be submit to the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )as“NAZRANA” and after that with charity of  the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )this reward  will be forward to all prophet ,all friend of ALLAH and the death person of all Muslim UMMAH. 

During the inwardly pray there will be special pray for you. Your little pray will be added in that reward which is collected from all over the world then after that it will added into your inwardly account. If you decided to take part in this prayer regularly then you got unlimited source of getting reward which should be continued day, night, sleeping, awaking, and even during your job work. With the will of ALLAH if you died so it’s our promise with you that till the judgment day all responsible person of well ALBASHRIYA series one after another the reward of this AYYAT

will be submit to the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )as“NAZRANA” and after that with charity of  the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )this reward  will be forward to all prophet ,all friend of ALLAH and the death person of all Muslim UMMAH. 

During the inwardly pray there will be special pray for you.The virtue of giving reward to dead person according to QURAN and SUNNAH we describe on next pages. The person who wants to get victory in both worlds they should must be take part in inwardly pray. 

We pray to ALLAH almighty that with charity of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) our all pray should be accepted.

 Who can we take part inwardly pray?

Inwardly pray is that pray and spiritual process in which many people from all over the world take part and ask for their  pray to ALLAH from saving himself to difficulties of life beside residing in their houses.The special features of this pray is that everyone who takes part in this pray not only prays for our self but also for all other who take part in this inwardly pray. For take part in this inwardly you must have to recite this AYYAT 300 times.

After that in the form below you have to submit your name father name and Objective. Then your message will be forward to spiritual network of Well ALBSRYH series.

After that this will be submit to the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )as“NAZRANA” and for three days during the inwardly pray and meditation there will be special pray for your objective. This pray time is according to PST from 11:00 to 11:15 only for fifteen minute. From 11:00 to 11:15 you have to facing towards Kiblah with wet and close eye for fifteen minute recite DAROUD in the beginning 11 time then for fifteen minute recite the Qualitative name of ALLAH “یا مجیب الدعوات ”۔ If it is not easy for someone then only say "یا مجیب"for fifteen minute and at the end again 11 time recite DAROUD after all of this for one time in Englishsay this۔

“O ALLAH! We request you mercy upon us and accept our pray.All of us who are take part in this inwardly pray’’

Do this process for three days with NAMAZ and the restrictions oftime. With the will of ALLAH your all difficulties will be solved after threedays. The people who take part in this pray we shell send back them “اسم اعظم”the prime name of ALLAH. 

After that with the will of ALLAH all person can get greatest benefits in both world and they experience a new life where no trouble of life will disturb them. After that if the ancestors considered necessarythey will allow you Impression the prime name of ALLAH”نقش اسم اعظم” which also downloaded from our website. 

All the people who take part in this inwardly pray there name will be publish in the online corner of our web site. During inwardly pray some peopleview friend of ALLAH and prophet of ALLAH and also indication of different Upcoming events.

Secrets are essential in such situation rather than this series will be terminated suddenly. The people who take part in this pray must be forward the reward of this to founder of Silsila Khair-ul-Basharia (Well ALBSRYH series ) . Who much you recite this in this reward a lot of mercy, Please, benefits and  blessingwill be awarded to him.Take part in this inwardly pray is not FARZ or SUNNAH .inwardly pray is request to ALLAH and we judge it who asked for help to ALLAH they never become looser with the will of ALLAH.For take part in this pray form is below.


If you want to take part in inwardly pray then your forum must be receive before 9 o clock at night that you r name should be transfer to spiritual network of well ABLBASHRIA series. Also we publishyour name in pray online forum.If any how inwardly pray time over then you can also take part in this pray early morning time from 3:00 to 3:15.

We pray to ALLAH almighty that with charity of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم )our all pray should be accepted.


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